# 1. Prefix -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Remove all files from ls
rm(list = ls())
# Loading packages
# 2. Loading data set ---------------------------------------------------------
#Reading the example data set lung from the survival package
<- as.data.frame(survival::lung)
#Recode dichotomous variables
$female <- ifelse(lung$sex == 2, 1, 0)
lung$status_n <- ifelse(lung$status == 2, 1, 0) lung
In this blog post we will optimise a Cox proportional hazard model using a maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) method. For this we are first going to define the likelihood function of our Cox model and its partial first derivatives, sometimes called the score function. Later we will pass these function to different optimisation algorithms using optimx::optimx()
to obtain the most likley estimates of our model parameters. You can find the R-script I used for this post as .txt
file here.
The Cox proportional hazard model is probably the most commonly applied model for survival analysis in epidemiological research. Cox models offer a efficient way to adjust for the underlying time scale
As in my previous blog posts, we will use the lung cancer data set included in the {survival}
package as an example. For more information on this data set please take a look at the help file ?survival::lung
Specifically, we will model the effect of sex and age on the survival of lung cancer patients in this data set. To estimate this effect, we will use a Cox model.
The Cox model follows the general form of
In our case we will fit the following Cox model including the independent variables female
So now let’s get started with loading the data set and setting up the variables.
The Cox model in its basic form requires unique event time i.e. no ties, as we will see later. To deal with this assumption we will randomly add or subtract small amounts of time from each event time in the data set, as seen in the code below. In an upcoming blog post I will address different approaches to deal with ties in Cox models.
#Removes time ties in data set
$time <- map_dbl(lung$time,
lungfunction(x){x + runif(1, -0.1, +0.1)})
#Check if no ties are left
lung count(time) %>%
arrange(desc(n)) %>%
time n
1 5.042231 1
2 10.917351 1
3 11.016322 1
4 11.020302 1
5 11.989413 1
Great! We don’t have any ties in our data set left. Now we can proceed with the definition of the log-likelihood function of our Cox model. The log-likelihood function of the Cox model generally follows the form
The base::cumsum()
function to calculate the cumulative sum.
Lets put this all together and define our log-likelihood function in R.
# 3. Define log-likelihood function for Cox regression model ------------------
<- function(par){
#Extract guesses for beta1 and beta2
<- par[1]
beta1 <- par[2]
#Define dependent and independent variables
<- data.frame(t = lung$time,
m d = lung$status_n,
x1 = lung$female,
x2 = lung$age)
#Calculate theta
$theta <- exp(beta1 * m$x1 + beta2 * m$x2)
#Calculate cumulative sum of theta with descending t
<- m %>%
m arrange(desc(t)) %>%
mutate(thetaj = cumsum(theta))
#Estimate negative log likelihood value
<- -sum(m$d * ((m$x1 * beta1 + m$x2 * beta2) - log(m$thetaj)))
To improve our optimisation we should also pass the gradient functions for our model to the optimx()
later. The gradient function for the Cox model in general follows
In our case we yield the following two gradient functions for
We can use this function to get the following gradient function for our Cox model. Note that we have to use the base::cumsum()
twice in the code below to calculate the cumulative sum of
# 4. Define gradient function for Cox regression model ------------------------
<- function(par){
#Extract guesses for beta1 and beta2
<- par[1]
beta1 <- par[2]
#Create output vector
<- length(par[1])
n <- as.vector(rep(0, n))
#Define dependent and independent variables
<- data.frame(t = lung$time,
m d = lung$status_n,
x1 = lung$female,
x2 = lung$age)
#Calculate theta, thetaj, thetajx1 and thetajx2
$theta <- exp(beta1 * m$x1 + beta2 * m$x2)
<- m %>%
m arrange(desc(t)) %>%
mutate(thetaj = cumsum(theta),
thetajx1 = cumsum(theta * x1),
thetajx2 = cumsum(theta * x2))
#Calculate partial gradient functions
1] <- -sum(m$d * (m$x1 - (m$thetajx1 / m$thetaj)))
gg[2] <- -sum(m$d * (m$x2 - (m$thetajx2 / m$thetaj)))
Lets just check if our gradient function is correct by comparing it with the approximation of the gradient function calculated with the numDerive::grad()
# 4.1 Compare gradient function with numeric approximation of gradient ========
# compare gradient at 1, 0, 0, 0
<- negll_grad(c(0, 0))
mygrad <- grad(x = c(0, 0), func = negll)
all.equal(mygrad, numgrad)
[1] TRUE
Looks like we get the same numbers and our gradient functions works fine.
Now we pass both our log-likelihood and gradient function on to our optimx()
# 5. Find minimum of log-likelihood function ----------------------------------
# Passing names to the values in the par vector improves readability of results
<- optimx(par = c(beta_female = 0, beta_age = 0),
opt fn = negll,
gr = negll_grad,
hessian = TRUE,
control = list(trace = 0, all.methods = TRUE))
# Show results for optimisation algorithms, that converged (convcode != 9999)
summary(opt, order = "value") %>%
rownames_to_column("algorithm") %>%
filter(convcode != 9999) %>%
arrange(value) %>%
select(algorithm, beta_female, beta_age, value) %>%
algorithm beta_female beta_age value
1 Rcgmin -0.5133011 0.01703863 742.7912
2 nlminb -0.5133013 0.01703864 742.7912
3 nlm -0.5133009 0.01703866 742.7912
4 L-BFGS-B -0.5133009 0.01703860 742.7912
5 BFGS -0.5133055 0.01703866 742.7912
6 Nelder-Mead -0.5134599 0.01702275 742.7912
7 CG -0.4557679 0.01735647 742.8464
Six of the optimisation algorithms implemented in the {optimx}
package yielded equal maximum likelihood values up to four decimals. This suggests neglectable differences between these models. If we would print more decimals of the maximum log-likelihood values we would probably see some slight differences between them. However, all models suggest that females have about half the risk of dying from lung cancer compared to males and the risk of dying increases with increasing age.
Let us check which estimates we would get for sex and age if we would fit a Cox model using the survival::coxph()
function and compare those with our estimates.
# 6. Estimate regression coefficients using coxph ----------------------------
<- coxph(Surv(time, status_n == 1) ~ female + age,
cox_model data = lung)
# 7. Comparing results from optimx and coxph ----------------------------------
<- unname(coef(cox_model))
coef_coxph <- coef(opt)
lapply(1:nrow(coef_opt), function(i){
<- attributes(coef_opt)$dimnames[[1]][i]
<- (coef_opt[i, 1] - coef_coxph[1])
diff_beta_1 <- (coef_opt[i, 2] - coef_coxph[2])
<- mean(diff_beta_1, diff_beta_2,
mean_dif na.rm = TRUE)
data.frame(opt_name, mean_dif)
}) bind_rows() %>%
filter(!is.na(mean_dif)) %>%
mutate(mean_dif = abs(mean_dif)) %>%
opt_name mean_dif
1 Rcgmin 3.497854e-08
2 nlminb 1.140406e-07
3 L-BFGS-B 2.315549e-07
4 nlm 2.650035e-07
5 BFGS 4.366428e-06
6 Nelder-Mead 1.587632e-04
7 CG 5.753333e-02
8 Rvmmin 5.133012e-01
We can see that the mean difference between our estimates and the estimates yielded with the survival::coxph()
model is neglectable for most of our models. It seems as everything worked well. However, as a good researcher we would of course also like to obtain some estimates of uncertainty. So let us take the model we fitted with the Rcgmin
algorithm from our optimx()
output and calculate the standard error for our estimates using the hessian matrix. If you are more interested in the calculation you can take a look at my previous blog post.
# 8. Estimate the standard error ----------------------------------------------
#Extract hessian matrix for the Rcgmin optimisation
<- attributes(opt)$details["Rcgmin", ][["nhatend"]]
# Estimate se based on hessian matrix
<- solve(hessian_m)
fisher_info <- sqrt(diag(fisher_info))
# Compare the estimated se from our model with the one from the coxph model
<- data.frame(se_rcgmin = prop_se,
ses se_coxph = tidy(cox_model)[["std.error"]]) %>%
se_rcgmin se_coxph
1 0.167457336 0.167457337
2 0.009224444 0.009224444
all.equal(ses[,"se_rcgmin"], ses[, "se_coxph"])
[1] TRUE
Based on the standard error, we can calculate the confidence intervals for our estimates now.
# 9. Estimate 95%CIs using estimation of SE -----------------------------------
# Extracting estimates from the Rcgmin optimisaiton
<- coef(opt)["Rcgmin",]
# Compute 95%CIs
<- coef_test + 1.96 * prop_se
upper <- coef_test - 1.96 * prop_se
# Print estimate with 95%CIs
data.frame(Estimate = coef_test,
CI_lower = lower,
CI_upper = upper,
se = prop_se) %>%
Estimate CI_lower CI_upper se
beta_female -0.5133 -0.8415 -0.1851 0.1675
beta_age 0.0170 -0.0010 0.0351 0.0092
Great! We obtained our own Cox model with confidence intervals.
To summarise, we specified our log-likelihood function and its gradient function, and optimised it using the optimx::optimx()
function. Based on the output of the optimx()
call we were able to obtain the standard error and confidence intervals for our estimates.